It’s that time of year where we dedicate an entire day to celebrating the mamas in our lives, even though they deserve to be treated like a queen errr’day. So, in honor of Mother’s Day, we caught up with some local mompreneurs to learn how they balance their job as a mother and a business-owner. Read on for some total bad-ass, dare we say, mom-spiration, from these local mamas you may recognize around Hudson County:
Vanessa Rissetto of Vanessa Rissetto, RD LLC
Vanessa Rissetto, of Vanessa Rissetto RD LLC, is a registered dietitian and mom of two who says support from friends got her to take that leap into starting her own practice.
Ages of children:
6 and 4
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Honestly – every day my kids tell me they love me unprovoked – which makes me feel that they must also feel loved and that in of itself is rewarding.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Wanting to be at everything, doing everything — you just can’t be at every place.
How did you get started in your field?
I was tired of working for other people and realized I could run my own practice, so I just took a leap of faith – also I had support from really great people who were encouraging, like my best friend and new friends like Tiffany Pinero.
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
I’m lucky because I make my own schedule, so I’m able to work during the day and still be around to pick my kids up from school and take them to their activities.
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
Truly, all the moms out there inspire me – whether you stay home, work full time, or part-time – we’re all in this parenting struggle together, hoping to give the best to our kids. I see so much kindness out there amongst the fellow moms in this community and I think that is wonderful.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I eat chocolate every day, and I don’t like fruit so much (and I’m a dietitian) — I know, scandalous, but what can I say — I’m human too ?
Casey Repetti of Casey2Cook
Casey Repetti, of Casey2Cook, has exploded on the social media scene with her creative recipes and creative culinary technique. As a mom, she wanted a career path that allowed her to spend ample time with her son. To get to know more about Casey, her Instagram stories are always worth watching.
Age of child?
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
The other day my son’s teacher stopped me and told me my son is the most polite child she’s ever met, he’s a pleasure to have in class, and that I should be proud of him and of how I’ve raised him. That is the most rewarding thing about being a mother — hearing your child is becoming a fabulous person, even when you’re not around to see it through.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
The hardest thing about being a mother is literally having your heart out of your body. My son and his safety and health and happiness are a constant in my mind. That kid is my everything and having to realize you can’t control the entire world and protect them him every second is very scary.
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
I try to work my days around spending time with my son, not the other way around. I want to make sure I can drop him off at school, pick him up, spend some time at the park, and have dinner ready for him! Not every day all day, but I try my best to create memories for him — memories of Mommie doing it all, but still having time for him because he’s the most important part of my life, he’s my reason.
How did you get started in your field?
I’ve enjoyed cooking as long as I can remember and always wanted to help in the kitchen. I’ve been a server, a hostess, a manager, a chef… I tried other jobs and careers but I always find myself back in the kitchen. It’s my happy place. I started my blog Casey2Cook when I was losing myself after just becoming a mother. I was postpartum, gained a lot of weight and just really missed being in a professional kitchen. By starting my blog, I got to reach a lot of women going through similar struggles. I found comfort in not being alone and I found strength in being able to inspire others.
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
My friend @NeuroticMommy inspires me every day. She’s a badass mama and entrepreneur. She’s an old soul and old school Hoboken like me and we just always have a blast when we get together. Her blog is amazing and I always love to learn from her for my photography and writing.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I’m pretty much an open book and if you watch my IG stories you get a taste of the happy/crazy mess I am lol — something people may not know is I was a swimmer in high school! Gold medals babyyyyy, go Redwings!
Lana Walsh Falcicchio of Boutique Realty
Lana Walsh Falcicchio, of Boutique Realty, gives a lot of credit to family help {and Fresh Direct} for allowing her to pursue her 24/7 career of real estate. She has been in the field for 10 years while juggling mom life with 3 children under 8 years old.
Ages of children?
7 months, 3, and 7
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
Having a supportive husband, lots of family help, Fresh Direct, and Amazon!
How did you get started in your field?
I come from a family of entrepreneurs and knew at a young age I would open my own business. I started to work in real estate because of a friend of my dad’s. I worked for a woman-owned small business and when she retired I knew it was time to get out on my own, which is almost 10 years ago now.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Watching their personalities form and seeing them interact with each other
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Real Estate is 24/7. There is never a day off!
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
Sara from Acupuncture Atelier. She’s a new mom and still focused on growing her business.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I had three C sections.
READ: A List of Female-Owned Hoboken and Jersey City Businesses to Support Today {And Every Day}
Lynn Hazan of ChicpeaJC
If you need the 411 on Jersey City — Lynn Hazan, mother and JC blogger of ChicpeaJC is your go-to. Having started over four years ago, the blog shares all things culture, events, food, and more.
Name of your business?
Age of your child?
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
I try to get as much done during the time she is in school and after she goes to bed and really try to step away from work when we are together. I outsource housework and chores when I can to make my life a little easier. I also try and take my daughter with me to events when I have to so I get to spend time with her while working at the same time!
How did you get started in your field?
I started the blog 4 years ago as a hobby while working in the corporate world and the rest is history!
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Watching your baby grow into a human with an awesome personality. My daughter is my sidekick and I just enjoy hanging out with her and I am so lucky to be her mom.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Balance! After a long day working sometimes all you want to do is lay on the couch and watch bad TV but with a kid you can’t really do that. After a long day of work you put on your mommy hat and your second (most important) job begins!
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
There are so many inspiring moms who are entrepreneurs here in Jersey City! It’s great to surround yourself with people who understand your struggles.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I’m an excellent cook!
Nicole Corriher of The Golden Carrot
Nicole Corriher, mama of two and owner of the Golden Carrot, has brought her love and appreciation of jewelry to Washington Street in Hoboken and we are so glad she did. The store is full of great finds and has a variety of jewelry items for all styles. She prides herself on working hard, but also knowing when to disconnect for some much-needed family time.
Ages of children?
4 1/2 years old & 19 months
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
Probably not as well as I should! Haha! But in all seriousness, finding a balance between being a mom and owning a business is no easy feat. I frequently feel torn between the two, and I’m not entirely convinced that I’ve found a balance, to be honest, but I do try every day to give myself fully to whichever hat I’m wearing at the time. When I’m with my kids I try to disconnect from work so that I can be present and engaged, and when I’m working I try to trust in the ability of those people who are caring for my kiddos so that I can let go of that urge to check-in all the time. Unfortunately, it’s not quite as easy as it might sound! The two frequently intersect, and ya just have to learn to roll with it.
How did you get started in your field?
I used to be an actor, but I’ve always had a deep appreciation for jewelry – I had even joked about wanting to open up a jewelry shop of my own, but for some reason that seemed more like a far-fetched dream than being a working actor did. Being in a business that you frequently deal with rejection can be harrowing, and everyone has a different way of dealing with that. For me, I found that whenever I was in need of a pick me up I’d meander to my favorite jewelry shops in the city to ogle the gorgeous handmade jewels. It would always make me feel better! I’d always secretly hoped that I could create that safe haven, that “happy place”, for someone else down the road. After moving to Hoboken and having my daughter in 2013 I stepped away from acting and dove into being a mom. About a year and a half later my dreams of opening up my own jewelry shop were running rampant! I had been keeping my eyes peeled for a great space, and in February 2015 I walked by 1102 Washington Street and saw a FOR RENT sign in the window. Things escalated pretty quickly from there! I didn’t have any inventory, I didn’t even have a name for the business, but I felt like I needed to seize the moment. I had, over the years, come to adore a number of indie designers, imagining that someday, if I had a store, I would carry their pieces. I reached out to each of them with fingers crossed and the rest is history! It was March when I took over the space and began our store build-out, and it was May 1st that I opened up the shop.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Watching my kids grow and change – They are the coolest!! I never knew that a love so intense and so full existed until I became a mom. My heart literally feels like it’s going to explode sometimes.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Remember earlier when we talked about finding balance between being a mom and owning a business? That’d be the hardest part! Haha!
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
Anne Bonner of Peper & Parlor has been a really big inspiration to me. Anne is boss! She has a shop that I’ve frequented since I moved to Hoboken, and it’s absolutely become a favorite of mine, but beyond that she’s been running a successful and thriving business for decades, and she’s mom to two amazing kids!
What’s something people might not know about you?
Well, I probably gave this one away earlier when I said I used to be an actor, haha! That’s more than likely something that very few people know about me. If you look up Nicole Sudhaus, I guarantee you’ll find some hilarious photos of me.
Kristin Reisinger of IronPlate Studios
Kristin Reisinger, owner of IronPlate Studios, Jersey City resident, and mama to 9-year-old Sophia, opened her doors 6 years ago in Hoboken. She is a master schedule juggler having to ensure she is available for client training sessions and make time for mom life.
Age of child?
9y old girl, Sophia
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
It’s definitely not easy — for the first few years of my daughter’s life I had a part-time babysitter who would come to my house at 4:45am so I could train my early morning clients. My same sitter would come later in the evening so I could train my evening clients. And on weekends my Mom would help. As IronPlate grew and expanded and I hired more staff, I was able to tailor my schedule more to being with my daughter and have my trainers work the hours that I needed to be home with Sophia. To this day it’s still a juggle as the schedule is never the same and is constantly ebbing and flowing with the coming and going of staff. But now that my daughter is older she’s able to come to the studio with me in a pinch and I haven’t had a sitter in years.
How did you get started in your field?
I decided to open IronPlate Studios 6 years ago because I had been private training for about 15 years at the time, and couldn’t handle the grind of getting to one client after another. Time meant money, and I had a sitter at home with my daughter, so every hour added up. My girlfriend suggested I open my own studio and a lightbulb went off. About 6 weeks later I had a lease on our first location at the Monroe Center and IronPlate was born. Aside from having my daughter, it was the best thing I ever did.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
I think the best part of being a Mom is when my daughter tells me that I’m the best Mom ever. It makes all the years of sacrifice and early mornings and long hours worth it. She’s my best friend, and raising her on my own (I’ve been a single Mom since she was a baby) has created a special bond between the two of us which is a combination of mom/daughter, sisters, best friends and pals. It’s pretty great. Some of my fondest memories to date of motherhood are all our trips we’ve taken together and jetting off to wherever. She’s also a great travel companion.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
The schedule! Since day one daycare, school etc., has not helped with my work schedule. With personal training, we train around everyone else’s work hours and/or school hours so it’s mornings, evenings, weekends and holidays. My daytimes are generally open so the childcare situation is always the hardest.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I think it’s easy to judge people on the outside, but I think most people don’t know that I raised my daughter alone, and I also financed and created IronPlate Studios with no money or help from anyone. It was purely my own tenacity and grit, which as a single mother is no easy task. I also have no background in business or running a business, but I find it very intuitive and comes naturally to me.
Shane Clark of The Grind Shop
Shane Clark owns one of Jersey City’s most popular coffee shops, The Grind Shop. With two kids of her own, Shane still manages to run her shop 7 days a week — now that’s impressive.
Ages of children?
Tallulah 8 and Camden 6
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
With lots of patience and a lot of help! It takes a village and we are fortunate enough to have our families close by. My husband Michael is also a consultant so he has a very flexible schedule which makes scheduling a lot easier. We tag team!
How did you get started in your field?
I started my career in the fashion industry over ten years ago, working for several top fashion magazines. Between juggling two kids under the age of 2 and a demanding job, I quickly became very dependent on coffee and that’s where the love affair began. I couldn’t function without it! Michael, our best friend Charles, and I are all really big coffee aficionados and obsessed with the coffee culture. So in 2015, we decided to open up a coffee shop in the Bergen Lafayette area in Jersey City. Fast forward 2 years and we are opening our 2nd location this summer. With the rapidly changing landscape of the publishing industry and the opening of our 2nd store, I decided to start my own consulting agency and focus my energy on our business full time.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Watching them grow into very responsible, conscious and loving individuals.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
The most difficult thing about my job and being a mom is managing my time. Our shop is open 7 days a week so the weekends are the most challenging since the kids are home and it’s also our busiest days. Thankfully they are little troopers and they hang out at the shop while mommy is working. They are permanent fixtures there.
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
Alyssa Hertzig, she’s a friend and former colleague, we worked together at several magazines. She lives in Hoboken with her husband and two kids. She’s a beauty editor and also and has a great blog called The Sparkly Life!
What’s something people might not know about you?
That I own a coffee shop! I try to keep the businesses very separate. When people find out they’re amazed how I juggle it all. I tell them it’s called being a woman!
See More: 3 Cocktail Recipes to Sip With Mom on Mother’s Day
Sara Laufer of Sara Laufer CPA LLC
Sara Laufer, of Sara Laufer CPA LLC and mother of 2 living in Weehawken, admits that life as a working mama is a constant juggle but one that can clearly be managed well. Being able to work on her own, although a huge change at first, has definitely attributed to her success in managing two very full-time jobs as an accountant and a mother.
Ages of children?
6 and 4
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
It’s a constant juggle. I love to spend time with my children, so I tend to schedule my meetings and work in the mornings while they are in school and then I usually work in the evenings about 3-4 nights a week after bedtime (which means not much R&R for me). During tax season, for only 3 months of the year, I have very limited time with my children and usually only see them for a quick dinner, and I also work every weekend all day. I end up really missing them for those intense 10 weeks, however, it’s short-lived, and then I get to make up for it all summer!
How did you get started in your field?
It was a long and slow vision and start of mine. I was working in the corporate world for all my post-collegiate life and then once I was pregnant and had our first child, I realized I needed something with more flexibility and really wanted to work for myself and create my own schedule. It was a complete pivot for me — going from an executive Finance Director / CFO role where I was in charge of a team to work on my own in a client service role with no staff! I already had my CPA license, had the real-world experience, but I also then spent about a full year going to conferences, reading, learning and networking with colleagues to really understand my niche market and developing my business.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
The smiles and the giggles. I absolutely love seeing the joy on their faces, watching them have a memorable childhood and just witnessing learning everything over again through their eyes. Oh, and even 6 years later, I still think it’s funny that these little human beings call me “mommy” — I sometimes can’t believe this is all happening, they are really mine and they are already so big!
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
The never-ending responsibility and task-list. Oh, how I wish I could have a lazy Sunday, go out for a boozy brunch, take a nap and then go out for dinner and a movie!
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
All of the Mom-Preneurs! I have so many clients (women!) who have started their own businesses, gone out on their own and really created some amazing businesses. I love hearing all of their stories, watching their businesses grow and change and evolve and being their Financial Guide through the whole process. For everyone who thinks the Corporate World is the only option, they are so wrong! I have seen countless clients and local businesses do amazing things. I couldn’t be where I am today without them — we help each other out!
What’s something people might not know about you?
Even though I’m a CPA, I do have a personality! I absolutely love to travel, and my little family of 4 is about to embark on a really fun summer adventure. My husband is taking a little time off as well and we are going on a few epic road-trips throughout our beautiful country this summer. Let’s hope our children co-operate and not ask us 8 million times “are we there yet”? ?
Raakhee Mirchandani, Author
Raakhee Mirchandani, full time working mom who lives in Hoboken, has decided to go above and beyond and write a children’s book. Super Satya Saves the Day comes out in fall of 2018 and was inspired by her daughter, Satya, a young cancer survivor and all around inspiration for us all.
Age of child?
Satya, 4.5-years-old (daughter)
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
I don’t! I’ve been uncomfortably unbalanced for years now. But I just roll with it. When I’m at work, I’m all in. I know that Satya is safe, happy and learning all sorts of stuff at school. And when I’m at home, I try to focus on her, instead of worrying about work. When I write — around 8-10 hours a week, in addition to my day job — I make sure to carve out time and then stick to the schedule. It helps me to know that I have planned hours where I write, others when I mom and a few where I just walk around Hoboken, sip ice coffee and try on leggings at Athleta!
How did you get started in your field?
I have been a journalist for my entire career. But this year I’m adding author to my resume — my first book, “Super Satya Saves the Day” is out this fall. I got started by integrating the discipline of writing into my week. I just committed to spending 8-10 hours a week working on writing that was completely separate from my day job. And it paid off!
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
The most rewarding thing about being Satya’s mom is seeing the world through her eyes, instead of my exhausted, jaded ones. She wakes up and asks if it’s morning time, leaps out of bed and can’t wait to start dancing, talking, asking a million questions and coloring. And her excitement for the day – for life, really – is incredibly contagious.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Ugh, so much of it is so hard. The toughest thing for me is feeling like I suck at my job and suck at being her mom. The truth is far from that. Sure, I’m not killing at work and at home daily, but I rarely screw them both up and I am learning to focus on that. I also worry that I miss a lot of stuff — it’s tough to make it for everything at school and I usually always forget crazy hair day/pajama day/WTF goes on during Spirit Week. But we usually eat breakfast and dinner together and that’s got to mean something, right?
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
As far as local moms who run businesses go, I really admire Clemence from Choc-o-Pain and Donna from Little City Books. These ladies found a way to turn their passions into a successful business. They hustle, they are kind and their shops make Hoboken a better place. I’m also hugely inspired by Keirsten and Krista from Shaka Bowl – they are all about living a healthy, balanced life and I love the love they have for each other. And of course, Mike and Jill from Tony Baloney’s and Tina from Baking Mama; they always find a way to use their businesses to help me fundraise for St. Jude or the Tomorrows Children’s Fund and that means everything to me. (My daughter is a cancer survivor, but that’s a story for another day.)
What’s something people might not know about you?
I think cheese is disgusting. Also, I hoard books. I can’t get rid of them, hate to share them and never, ever want to give them away.
Jessica Lisboa of This Season’s Gold
Jessica Lisboa, the blogger behind This Season’s Gold, has developed a great shopping and fashion blog all while raising an 8-year-old. Started after a personal hardship, her dedication to inspiring herself again and others makes her a mama worth getting to know.
Age of child?
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
Balance is such a powerful term as a mother. I think sometimes though, it’s less about balance and more about priorities. “What do I choose to prioritize in this moment or that”? It means understanding that sometimes you are all mom or all boss and one doesn’t need to suffer for the other as long as you are always present in the moment with what you are choosing to work on.
How did you get started in your field?
I started blogging after losing my daughter Ava, who was stillborn at 34 weeks in Nov 2014. I needed to find myself again as a woman who loved fashion, beauty, travel and just a happy, positive life and felt disconnected from that more and more. So, I started to write to celebrate all the things I had in my life and how I could gain strength from all those things I loved, especially my little boy who lost his sister. I wanted to inspire other women so that they too could rise up again after their biggest fall. The blog is named after Ava’s too decor colors and my favorite season when I sadly lost her -Thanksgiving.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Seeing my son be proud of himself when he has achieved something he worked hard at is rewarding to me. I also think just being a MOM in itself because you have a witness every day in your life seeking wisdom and guidance from you, and that feeling of responsibility can actually feel most rewarding.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Making sure that I’m doing it all for the right reasons. For every opportunity presented to me, I need to first check in with myself and ask “will this not only help me but also my son and my family?” While self-care/reward is important, I need to make sure I’m not always saying yes to everything that would compromise me ending the best Mom I can be.
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
I’m inspired by so many, one isn’t enough. I will say though that I look up to local Moms like Jennifer from NeuroticMommy, Karen from ParisandaLatte, and Casey from Casey2cook…they make “Mommy’ing” look easy but are real enough to let me know it always isn’t.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I am a theatre educator, but I also used to perform one-woman shows around the country about the civil rights and farm-labor movements for a theatre company.
Meghan Lukin of Washington General Store
Let’s be real, Hoboken’s Washington General Store is most likely a go-to local shop for any gifts needed. The owner behind this awesome business is Meghan Lukin, who also has the job of being a mama.
Name of your business?
Washington General Store
Age of child?
Penelope aka Poppy is 18 months old
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
I’m not sure that I do! Honestly, every day is different and both jobs keep me on my toes. I would be lying if I said this wasn’t a daily struggle, but one I wouldn’t trade. That being said, I would be lost without my incredible staff in the shop and my daughter’s extraordinary nanny. They definitely make the balancing act much less stressful! And of course, my own mom too!
How did you get started?
After my then-boyfriend, now-husband, finally got this Long Island girl to move to New Jersey, I kept asking him where the gift shop was here in Hoboken. I needed a place to run into last minute to pick up gifts for housewarmings, new babies, birthdays, etc. and I just couldn’t believe it didn’t exist here! I had worked for a decade in women’s luxury fashion (which never quite fulfilled me), and decided if nobody else was opening a store like this, then I was going to! I took the plunge and signed my lease in February 2014, kept my corporate job until April and opened May 2nd! It was definitely a whirlwind and I still pinch myself at times that this is real life!
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
Watching her amazing little personality come alive right before my eyes. She’s extremely strong-willed, and although that can make my job harder now, it’s so cool to think of the woman she’ll become. It’s a really special feeling that is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
Finding time for myself. If I’m not at work, I’m home with my daughter. If I’m not with my daughter, I’m at work. Like many moms, I feel guilty taking moments to just be alone doing something I enjoy!
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
Oh gosh, that’s tough. I’m truly inspired by all moms and local business owners. I’m lucky enough to see so many mothers in the store and love that I have an opportunity to learn from them. One thing I really love about Hoboken is how supportive the moms are of one another. I’m happy to say the same about the business community here. Together, we’re all endeavoring to keep the “Shop Small” movement alive and thriving.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I lived in San Diego for a few years and my first entrepreneurial idea was to open a salad shop there! I had written a business plan, and started to look at spaces, but ended up moving back to NYC instead.
READ: 10 Tips on Settling Into Hoboken as a Mom
Noël Fiorentinos of Work it Out
Noel Fiorentinos is mom to a toddler and owner/boss lady of the all-female gym, Work it Out in Hoboken — which provides awesome workout classes, support, and a fun atmosphere for women.
Age of child?
1 years old
How do you balance motherhood and your job?
All hands on deck. It takes a village. I’m very blessed to have a strong support system. Also, I don’t like being confined to a rigid schedule – they do not work for me. I have to be able to be nimble because things come up all the time and I’m put into a position where I have to shift my focus. I like projects. When I can see a start, middle, and end to something, it helps me make progress. I tend to take on projects in different areas of my life that I want to move forward, whether it’s work, or home, or family.
How did you get started in your field?
Opening a business always felt like the only road for a few reasons but mainly because I’m a boss by instinct. I’ve been bossing people around since I was a little girl. Growing up there was such a thing as an “I hate Noël club” (dubbed by cousins and sisters.) Being in charge of a company gives me an outlet to lead and direct, which is nice. My husband thinks so too. (I often have to remind myself that he is not my employee!) I love to create and this brand is an extension of who I am and an evolution of a creative vision that I am constantly refining.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
There are so many rewarding parts of actually being a mother. The easiest answer is the unconditional love that you experience every single day. It’s unlike anything in the world. Waking up and seeing your baby smile at you and talk to you. Again, cannot be described. Also, this sense of confidence that you start to possess as a mother. I never understood it until now. I knew there was a “mom’s club” but I didn’t quite understand how powerful becoming a member was. You are all of a sudden given this boost of confidence that was there all along but really comes out after having a baby. It feels like you can accomplish anything. If you were empowered before a baby, wait until after. For me, having a daughter is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It completely translates to what I do at work and gives me much more purpose than I’ve ever had before.
What’s the hardest thing about your job and being a mom?
The hardest thing about my job and being a mom was the road to becoming a mother. Then after I finally had my daughter, the adjustment. It’s emotional and draining. I thought the first 4 months were especially challenging. I found it hard to even focus on work after I initially gave birth. Also, things don’t go how you expect them to – EVER.
What local mom and/or business inspires you?
Jamie Klein is a local mom who I admire for many reasons. She’s head of teaching staff at Work it Out. 8 years ago she started out as a member, then over time fought hard to become an instructor and now leads our instructing team. She’s one of the strongest women I know, dedicated, hard-working, kind and loyal. She’s a wonderful mother, has run a number of marathons, teaches over 10 classes a week, and works full time. She’s not a blogger or anything like that.. she’s just solid member of this community that I think you all should know.
What’s something people might not know about you?
I’m passionate about astrology and study it.
And there you have it —a few of the many inspiring mamas in our area — because this could truly be a never-ending list. Cheers to you, mompreneurs!
Wishing all the local moms near and far a Happy Mother’s Day!
xo, Team HG